We opened our doors in 2009 hoping to serve our community through martial arts. We believe in helping our students of all ages build self esteem and self confidence. We want to give our students not only the ability to become physically stronger and learn to defend themselves but also to strengthen community ties and build extended family networks.
We are proud to be recognized by the Veterans Affairs as a Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business. We teach multiple martial arts systems such as Danzan Ryu Ju Jitsu (Hawaiian Ju Jitsu), Judo, Aikido, Arnis and Escrima. To help our students reduce stress and help the live healthier lives we also offer Yoga. We are committed to your personal safety and the growth and development of the individual. Bestia Martial Arts opened its doors in 2009 and has steadily grown in size. While size is good, it is the quality of people that attend the school that truly matters. Henry Sheishiro Okazaki (founder of Danzan Ryu) wrote in his article,