Abalone Acupuncture of Austin provides a great first step on your return to wellness. Oriental Medicine is a scientific art form that has been proven and perfected over thousands of years. With a trained, ethical, and licensed acupuncturist, the risk of acupuncture is relatively nonexistent when compared to modern medicine. The needles are hair thin, solid, new, sterile, disposable, and when used correctly, 90% painless in 90% of people. When you're ready, we're here to help. We get a complete picture of you as a unique individual with unique symptoms and then treat your whole person through a process of restoring balance. As a result, your symptoms will resolve. You will be educated and empowered as you gain a new perspective, which you can use to safeguard your health. Remember that YOU are the most important aspect of your health care; we can be your most valuable asset...