We are a one of a kind, unique indoor public gun range located in Argyle, TX just north of DFW. The first thing you will notice when you come visit 407 Gun Club is our convenient, yet simple country location. Tucked away between green pastures and mesquites, you will find a subterranean custom built gun range. You can't beat our luxury shooting suites. Bring along a friend or family and have your own suite, secure from other shooters. You and your friends/family will feel at home in our sound absorbing suites with cedar accents and cow hide decorations. Reserve a 50 yd lane for your pistol and rifle shooting, or test your night vision in one of our 100 yd lanes equip with a bullseye target system. We are here to serve you, so come visit our gun range in Argyle TX, 831 FM 407 West.
We are a one of a kind, unique gun range. The first thing you will notice when you come visit 407 Gun Club is our convenient, yet simple country location. Tucked away between green pastures and mesquites, you will find a subterranean custom built gun range. You can't beat our luxury shooting suites. Bring along a friend or family and have your own suite, secure from other shooters. You and your friends/family will feel at home in our sound absorbing suites with cedar accents and cow hide decorations. Reserve a 50 yd lane for your pistol and rifle shooting, or test your night vision in one of our 100 yd lanes equip with a bullseye target system. We are here to serve you, so come visit us 831 FM 407 West.