The latest in the name game is Employee Engagement, but that is really the same as calling it Employee Opinion, Satisfaction, Assessment, Feedback, etc. Bottom line: employers want and need to know what are the employees' preferences, expectations, observations and intents regarding the organization. Employees want to communicate, and be heard, regarding their preferences, expectations, observations and intents. Capture all of the above targets in one 15 minute interview. It is possible and it isn't new. The Work Institute has been doing it for over a decade. Measure employee engagement through candid open-ended interviews. Understand their preferences, expectations, and intents to stay with the organization. Manage and monitor the solutions implemented based on employee feedback and business objectives. Compete at the highest level and profit will follow.
The Work Institute (TWI) provides research and analytic services to help companies attract, hire, and retain key talent and improve employee performance. A structured, disciplined research method coupled with an immediate, integrated reporting system provides actionable, timely, and mission-critical intelligence to organizations. TWI presents a consistent and specific