Stewart County is as diverse as the people living in it. Likewise Mosaic Church - Stewart County Location is filled with people from all walks of life. We are shaping the lives of those who attend by helping them experience God in a dynamic way. People from all over Stewart County and the surrounding counties call Mosaic Church home. Finding a church filled with life is always a challenge for people new to an area. Mosaic Church in Stewart County will complete your search. Here you will find church the way it was meant to be! You will find church life and group life, a church that values family and cares about our children. You will become connected to a raw Christian culture that's lived out day to day by those who meet here. Here you will find a loving community of Christ followers who are challenging each other to live their faith out loud and on purpose. We'd love for you to join us and experience the loving community that we call Mosaic! Join us anytime.