The Job Shop is a flexible staffing service based in Jacksboro, TN, that specializes in providing qualified employees to companies in need of immediate staffing solutions. With a focus on entry-level positions, they offer temporary, temp-hire, and contract staffing options, ensuring the right candidate is matched to the right job. Their extensive selection and screening process, along with their commitment to providing a professional atmosphere and excellent job opportunities, make them a highly recommended choice for job seekers.
Technical Staffing Solutions (TSS) is a specialized division of The Job Shop that focuses on placing technical, research, development, operations, logistics, finance, allied health, and engineering candidates up to director level executives in various industries. With their expertise in these complex areas of human resources, TSS offers a portfolio of diversified staffing services, providing companies with the right people to accomplish their goals. Whether it's flexible staffing to monitor growth, coping with fluctuations in full-time staff, or increasing employee productivity while maintaining cost efficiency, The Job Shop and TSS are the right partners for companies seeking staffing solutions.
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