Education is a very important subject among Lutherans especially the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. The Grace Lutheran Church Preschool opened in September of 2000 with a capacity of 115 children. Every year since that first year the school has been filled to capacity with a waiting list in many classes. Our director is Melanie Cobb and we are please to have one of the most highly regarded programs in Clarksville. There are five day sessions for the pre-kindergarten class, three and two day sessions for children from 1 year old to 4 years old. Each classroom is appointed with age appropriate furniture and equipment and is staffed with a trained teacher and an aide. The Grace Lutheran Preschool meets or exceeds all the requirements of preschools by the State of Tennessee provides. We adhere to the highest standards of service and care within a distinctly Christian setting where values and faith are a part of every Regular chapel times, a music teacher, and seasonal programs mak e for a well rounded preschool program. Enrollment is limited but you may check with the Director for openings and availability. Enrollment begins in March for the next school year.