Daycare Delight was created to address the need for around-the-clock childcare services for Memphis families. Directed by a pediatric physical therapist who loves children and learning, we partner with parents to nurture, teach, and promote the health of their little ones. Come join our extended family!
*Attentive, individualized caregiving *Facilitating social & motor development *Early learning curriculum and purposeful play *Full-time, part-time, Mom's Day Out, after-school *Serving healthy, yummy meals and snacks *Flexible Hours, including nights & weekends *Fun, safe, age-appropriate environment *Transportation provided We gladly welcome children with: *Breastmilk *Cloth diapers *Allergies *Disabilities *Special and medical needs Parents enjoy receiving pictures and updates throughout the day, and they love the ongoing learning in a family setting. We are trained and gifted at attuning each child's unique needs and personality, to support their current happiness and a successful future. Activities include: learning sign language, reading and building literacy, arts and crafts, stroller rides, musical instruments and singing, circle time, dramatic play, exploration, tummy time for babies, gross and fine motor skills, sensory materials, counting, indoor gardening...and of course, bubbles!