Tri-City Pediatric Cardiology P.C. is a premier medical practice specializing in comprehensive cardiac care for infants, children, and adults with heart abnormalities from birth. With offices in Kingsport and Johnson City, as well as monthly clinics in Norton and Abingdon, they offer specialized pediatric non-invasive testing including EKG, Echocardiogram, Stress Testing, and Heart monitors. Their team of board-certified Pediatric Cardiologists, including Dr. Ashish B. Madhok and Dr. Jerry Walkup Jr., provide fast and accurate results, tailored testing, and personalized care.
As the largest Pediatric Cardiology office in the Tri-Cities, Tri-City Pediatric Cardiology P.C. prides itself on offering some of the shortest waits for new appointments and the ability to expedite visits by performing all tests in-house. Their dedicated staff, including Certified Nurse Practitioner Brooke Pennings, ensures that patients receive same-day results and have their concerns addressed by their Cardiologist. With a commitment to excellence and a focus on patient satisfaction, Tri-City Pediatric Cardiology P.C. is a trusted provider of specialized cardiac care in the region.
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