In the late summer of 1929, Adolph Hach, Collier and Captain John Outlaw, the commanding officer of the lO5th Observation Squadron detachment at Clarksville, along with other progressive citizens including Mayor W.D. Hudson, Howard Smith, Emmitt Ladd, and Joseph Boillan. Jr., formed the Clarksville Aviation Corporation. After hedgehopping across Montgomery County, they found their ideal Airport location, a 236-acre field six miles north of Clarksville near Highway 41 and the Tennessee Central Railroad Line. Selling $50 shares of company stock to the public was slow at first, but on September 29, 1929, they arranged to purchase the property from the J.C. Caroland family. After minor tree cutting and grading, the field was scheduled to open on October 28th. By then it had the backing of citizens and businesses, including the Tennessee Central Railroad, which built a 40-foot-long station platform along the nearby tracks, designating it the Clarksville Airfield Station.
Clarksville Regional offers terminal parking and short term courtesy crew cars for our day visitors as well as tie downs for our overnight visitors .A spacious, comfortable lounge with HD satellite TV, an internet connected computer and free Wi-Fi access are available for your convenience. The Clarksville Regional Airport also offers two different rental spaces. Our spacious and comfortable business meeting room comes equipped with multimedia presentation capabilities and seating for ten. The large event room offers gorgeous panoramic views of the airfield and runway. Please see our website for additonal information.