Donna Bella Roses LLC (dbroses) is a family business inspired by charity work and helping others. Dbroses was founded by two brothers in honor of single mothers who make such great sacrifices for their children. We are now featuring Roses for Humanity. When you order a Rose for Humanity for someone special, Donna Bella Roses LLC makes a $10 donation toward a cause of your choice. Show your devotion to a survivor in your life or inspire someone to work toward a better future. Enjoy our roses!
Donna Bella Roses LLC (DBR) specializes in the sale of handcrafted satin ribbon roses. Our online store (dbroses) sells fine satin roses, handcrafted in America and delivered to someone special with a personal greeting card. We sell a rose for every occasion and every color has a unique and significant meaning. We are now featuring Roses for Humanity. When you order a Rose for Humanity for someone special, Donna Bella Roses LLC makes a $10 donation toward a cause of your choice. Enjoy our roses!