Personnel management consultant
Snelling Staffing Services
HistoryFast-track your company's path to success! Trace Staffing Solutions provides expert support for employers searching for permanent employees. Using a thorough screening process, Trace identifies qualified candidates who are ready to work and committed to success. From executive level placements to job entry positions, Trace has solutions to fill every need. Trace excels at discovering talent, matching each employer's unique goals with the candidate's qualification and career objectivesSpecialtiesWe raise the bar for customized, full-service staffing services and HR solutions. Our company offers staffing solutions in a wide range of industries (accounting, hospitality, manufacturing, warehouse, admin/clerical, engineering and legal). Trace Staffing agency provides expert recruiting support for employers and hiring managers. From executive to entry level placements, Trace has solutions to fill every need. Trace excels at discovering talent, matching each employer's unique goals with the candidate's qualifications and career objectives. Contact your local office for a full list of available job and career opportunities.