We actually have a patent-pending method by which we infuse our highly concentrated cannabidiol from organically sourced hemp oil INSIDE the molecules of other ingredients. We work with lipids because the human endocannabinoid system is itself lipid based. We believe this is a more efficient way of delivering CBD to your body and that a little CBD within one of our products might be similar to a LOT of CBD ingested without our proprietary technology. Why does it matter? For one thing, raw hemp oil can taste pretty strong. But our process places the active ingredients inside of lipids (fats and fatty acids), and they simply taste good! Lipids are also absorbed very efficiently by the human digestive system, so we theorize that the CBD we pack inside those lipids might be more bioavailable to your body than if they were not. Finally, the human endocannabinoid system is itself a lipid-based signalling system working between synapses throughout many areas of your body. We think it makes sense to deliver cannabidiol to you in a lipid-based delivery system. So you have to ask yourself: if you are going to the trouble and expense of making sure you are ingesting hemp oil or cannabidiol, doesn't it make sense to be sure you are ingesting it in a manner that is as efficient and complete as possible?...