Central Church began as a 7-person congregation on Sunday, January 29, 1987 at St. Luke's. We met there for two and a half years. As we reached out in love to the community, more people came to services and a need for our own church grew. We began to look for land and learned a mission church in Swaziland, South Africa needed money to build a church, so we responded with a love offering of $5,000.00. A few months later, God rewarded our sowing by leading us to purchase a 3 1/2-acre plot of land. Later, the Town of Hilton Head purchased the land back because it had the only complete historic Indian Shell Enclosure in the US! Prior to July 3, 1992, our present location actually served as a dinner theater and night club. The past 19 years, we have added space for our youth ministry, children and adult education classes. Our commitment to families, children and students can be seen through our efforts to provide the best environment possible for their growth in Christ with each other.