I was called by Spirit over 35 years ago to create a Spiritual Development Center where people can come to learn, not just from me, but for each other. Knowledge is power. We all learn from each other, we all learn from within. My rural upbringing instilled the value of all things natural from taking walks among the trees and animals to calm my well being and connect with Spirit, to using herbs and natural remedies as part of a holistic regimen to physical, mental, emotional and Spiritual well being. I am a 3rd degree High Priestess (Black Forest Seminary); a B.S.W. in Social Work (Southern Ct State University); a Clinical Hypnotherapist (Association of Integrative Psychology); a Master Aromatherapist (Katherine Graf); a Certified Herbalist (Sage Mountain), a Master Watershed Steward and a Master Gardener, both through Penn State.
We are a Metaphysical Shop & Spiritual Development Center. Come visit us to explore your interest in our library, meditate, or pick up some sage, incense, crystals, herbs and much more. We also offer classes and services to help you expand your knowledge while on your spiritual journey. Our services include readings, reiki, chakra alignments, handfasting or wedding, house blessing and house cleansing.