I was scrolling one day on craigslist for manual labor jobs. Came across this ad looking for help with a big job in the Pleasant Mount area. I took the job gladly to make some extra cash and make myself busy. The job consisted of assembling bunk beds with railings and ladders to cabins in a camp. There was Shelving units to be dispersed according to request. The job was behind schedule, behind budget when I got there. A Week in my former boss had a heart episode. Prior he had noticed my potential in leading a big crew and ensuring the job get's done. So he asked me if I was willing to take over on the job for him. I was glad to help. I kept in contact with the furniture company delivering supplies and camp authorities to ensure jobs completion within days after taking over. After that the guy who hired me told me I should be doing business for my own. Now I help him with jobs because he owns a 5 star moving company and he hands jobs off to me.
10% Off Total Bill For Veterans! 5% Off Total Bill For Any Weekend Work! Our business specializes in last minute jobs. With our strength and Ingenuity we have made the impossible possible. Now I am not saying we are superheroes. What I am saying is with us you will have muscle behind you ensuring that whatever task you need done get's taken care of in the quickest, safest most efficient way possible. We strive for all of our customers to be happy satisfied customer. Mann Muscle has the utmost respect for our country's armed forces, our Veterans, and any who has stepped up to the responsibility of defending our nation. They don't take days off. Neither do we. Any client who presents a military I.D. in addition to their payment will receive 10% off their bill. This offer does not expire. This is our way of saying thank you to everyone who has served our country!