New construction, single-family houses, Handyman service, Window and door installation and erection
Do'It Right Construction
Decks, Power Washing, Fencing, Retainer Walls, Siding, Electrical, Plumbing, Floors, Wallpaper, Drywall, Kitchens & Baths, Interior & Exterior Painting, Home Theater, Networking & Satellite Installations. Handyman projects, Appliance Repairs, HVAC, Snow Plowing, Commercial & Residential repairs or renovations. Serving Washington, Fayette, Greene & Southern Allegheny, and Western Westmoreland, City of Pittsburgh Included Insured By State Farm Fire & Casualty Company Policy #98-BY-N638-7 Written 02/17/01 Expires 02/16/2012 Pennsylvania General Contractors #PA011233Pittsburgh Tax ID #01-0009-772D-U-N-S #: 02-148-4246