Flying Angels was founded by Bob Bacheler, a respected pioneer in the Commercial Airline Medical Transport Industry for nearly a decade.
Flying Angels provide non-emergency medical transport anywhere in the world on commercial aircraft with a Flight Nurse. A Flight Coordinator handles the logistics. The client receives expert care during the entire transport--bedside to bedside. We are the cost-effective alternative to expensive air ambulance service. Our exceptional team of highly trained Flight Coordinators, Travel Agents, and Flight Nurses, safely transports patients on commercial aircraft all around the world. Whether a senior citizen who simply needs someone to accompany them during travel or patients with serious medical conditions, Flying Angels handles every step of the journey. At Flying Angels, high-quality service begins with our patient-centered approach. The care is synchronized with the primary care provider, carefully planned and customized for each patient. We put client care and safety at the forefront of everything we do. Whether you are traveling internationally or domestically, we coordinate every detail of your itinerary as well, whether it's a commercial airline, a train, or a car. We can plan your trip in advance or with short notice, sometimes in less than 24 hours. Travel can be complicated due to, weather, delays, permits, and more. The team handles all of it, safely, and efficiently.