Neighborhood Chiropractic And Wellness Center
HistoryThe mission of our office is to help as many people as possible improve the quality of their lives through natural means. Tightness, stiffness, pain, weight issues, fatigue, insomnia, digestive problems are NOT Normal. Our offices evaluates things like: Spinal alignment, posture, brain function, body chemistry for Nutritional Defeciencies, Stress and a host of other things that determines a person's health. Posture alone has been show to affect breathing, be a source of chronic back pain, headaches, heart arrythmias, asthma, affect the birthing process, etc. according to an article in The Journal of the American Medical Association. By addressing ALL the causes of a person's problem we often find solutions for health problems. When the aches dissappear and the pain goes away then patients have a greater sense of Wellbeing. And FEELING GOOD is what life is all about:)SpecialtiesChiropractic care, posture exercises, core rehabilitation, balance exercises, kettlebells. Sports Injuries, AUTO ACCIDENTS, WORKER'S COMP, Herniated disc, Sciatica, Low Back Pain Expert, Acute and Pain that is ongoing that hasn't gone away