The Quakers of Abington Friends Meeting extend a warm welcome to visitors to join us in all Meeting activities.
We gather together weekly at Meeting for Worship, which is held each Sunday at 11:15 a.m. (approximately 45 minutes). In the summer months, Meeting for Worship is held outside.
Meeting for Business is held on the second Sunday of each month at 9:00 a.m. Except for that Sunday, adult class is held at 10:00 a.m. from September through May, during which informative guest speakers address topics ranging from personal spiritual journeys to current social issues.
Coffee hours: We gather for fellowship most Sundays after Meeting for Worship.
Day care is provided for children up to the age of 5 during Meeting for Worship and Adult Class.
Children’s First Day School: This is our Sunday school. Children attend class from 10 to 11, except on second Sunday, when class starts at 11.
For current scheduling and detailed information, please consult our website. Our current newsletter, which lists all of our many Meeting activities, can be accessed on our website. Our website answers many questions, such as: “Who are the Quakers?” and “What happens during Meeting for Worship?”
If you think your life might be enriched by the Religious Society of Friends or if you are just curious about Quakers, we encourage you to stop by any Sunday morning, drop us an email or give us a call. All messages will be promptly and pleasantly answered.