Healing Touch Acupuncture was begun in 2003 to help people feel better by finding their optimum health through acupuncture, herbal medicine, and deep listening. In 2011, we added an additional service - Microcurrent Facial Rejuvenation- to provide nonsurgical age reversal through unique Microcurrent and Light technology which not only makes you feel better, but look better, too.
Healing Touch Acupuncture offers powerful medicine backed by 12 years of experience to change your life for the better -- we are here to help you erase pain, illness, and stress effects; reverse the signs of aging with our unique Microcurrent Light Rejuvenation program; and strengthen your immune system to prevent disease.Trained in sport's medicine, we treat professional and weekend athletes to get you back doing what you love. Had a car accident? --we have extensive experience treating soft tissue and skeletal pain that occurs from car accidents and these treatments are usually fully covered by your car insurance. Feeling stressed and anxious? With a background in counseling coupled with the whole body, mind, and emotional balance provided by acupuncture, you are sure to feel better quickly. Here at Healing Touch Acupuncture, we listen deeply to help you find your optimum health.