Nothing compares to the warmth and ambiance provided by a fireplace or stove fire. This experience can be yours with the help of Tom Bishop Construction. We offer sales, service and installation for wood and gas stoves as well as fireplaces. Plus, we have a wide selection of accessories that'll enliven the experience. Items like fireplace inserts and screens, gas logs and more are all available. It doesn't matter if you haven't used that fireplace in years or if you're looking to get a wood-burning stove installed. Give Tom Bishop Construction a call and start enjoying the cozy warmth of a fire in the comfort of your own home. Sales, Service, Accessories and Installation Wood and Gas Stoves, Inserts and Fireplaces Glass Doors Gas Logs Pellet Stoves
Tom Bishop Construction, 503-644-7868, Sales, Service, Accessories and Installation, Wood and Gas Stoves, Inserts and Fireplaces, Glass Doors, Gas Logs, Pellet Stoves, Fireplace Screens, woodstoves, fireplaces, gas fireplaces, chimneys, hearth's, hearth's products,gas, fireplace doors