Portland's Singing Christmas Tree is a beloved tradition in the Pacific Northwest, captivating audiences of all ages with its magical and immersive holiday experience. With over six decades of enchanting performances, this premier Christmas event features a spectacular 90-minute show filled with music, dance, and pageantry that will ignite the joy and wonder of the holiday season. Renowned guest performers and a talented choir serenade audiences with beloved classics and new favorites, creating an unforgettable celebration that captures the true spirit of Christmas.
As the 2023 season comes to a close, Portland's Singing Christmas Tree expresses gratitude to sponsors, generous donors, and audience members for their support. With plans already underway for the 2024 performances, this cherished tradition invites everyone to mark their calendars and stay tuned for upcoming announcements. Join the TREE Choir and be a part of this extraordinary event that brings the magic of Christmas to life.
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