Portland Saturday Market is the largest continually operating outdoor arts and crafts market in the nation. Located in Waterfront Park and Ankeny Plaza in Portland's historic Old Town the Market is one of the most popular shopping destinations for local handcrafted goods. The Market offers a unique opportunity for customers to meet the artist as well as see one of a kind pieces created in the artist's booth. Over 250 small businesses and individuals artists from across the NW region gather each week for the uniquely Portland event with handmade crafts and a plethora of exotic foods that will satisfy everyone's appetite. Open rain or shine, Saturday 10-5pm from March through December. Make a $25+ purchase and receive a free Tri-Met ticket or a two hour parking validation at any Smart Park garage.
Portland Saturday Market is a juried market and everything is handmade by the artist selling it. You'll find paintings, sculptures, lawn art, clothing, jewelry, blown glass, paper arts, specialty foods, flowers, recycled arts, crafts that defy imagination. For a complete listing visit our website: portlandsaturdaymarket.com