Planet Nanny was created by two passionate professional nannies. What started as a project of love has quickly turned into a thriving business serving both Portland and Bend. We are proud to be able to give families an insiders look into how to select a great nanny and then make a fantastic and lasting connection. We have also been fortunate enough to work with and support professional nannies as their careers and experience grow. Planet Nanny looks forward to continued growth in 2017 and continuing to pair superb nannies with the amazing families that need them.
Planet Nanny serves the varied childcare needs of the modern family. We do the hard work for you and take the guesswork out of finding an amazing Nanny. We personally interview every candidate and family, conducting extensive background and reference checks on our caregivers to create ideal matches. We believe that you can be a fantastic parent and keep your amazing career. We specialize in pairing superb nannies with the wonderful families that need them. Planet Nanny is here to make going back to work (or going out) a little easier. We make connections for: Full-Time Nannies Part-Time Nannies Date night sitters (we have memberships!) Overnight Nannies Travel Nannies Temp Nannnies