At Katmandu Trading Company we love what we do, which is to say, working with you. Your kind and continued support over the years has allowed Katmandu to grow from a mere idea, into one of America's largest manufacturers and direct-importers of Nepalese handicrafts. Along the way, and as a direct result of your loyalty and enthusiasm, our wonderful partners in Nepal and elsewhere, have simultaneously expanded their own even humbler origins, into operations that now support countless families and entire communities. In vulnerable corners of the globe, with no labor laws, it is imperative that fair-minded individuals rally together, creating a sum greater than the whole of its parts, thereby harnessing the power of unity, to provide opportunity. We believe in peace, and equal respect for all our brothers and sisters worldwide. Regardless of religion, nationality, skin color, or shoe size, we are all here together, and will rise or fall as one. Embrace the globe and feel the love!
Locally owned/operated, shop the world with Katmandu, and find everything you never knew you always wanted! As an international family affair, Katmandu Trading Company specializes in bringing you handmade, exotic, merchandise from all corners of the globe. With an emphasis on Nepal, we offer handcrafted imports from over 40 countries. Whether it is wooden masks from Kathmandu, leather journals from Alexandria, cotton tapestries from Jaipur, or lapis lazuli from Kabul, all merchandise is consciously/ethically manufactured by proud members of our global family. With countless clothing styles for both men and women, sterling silver jewelry, hemp backpacks, wool hats/scarves, singing bowls, malas, incense/burners, candles, crystals, essential oils, and so much more, Katmandu Trading is your one-stop, culture shop. Fairtrade feels good!