Janey's job as a life style coach is to positively and passionately influence others by motivating them into action for a healthier lifestyle using accountability, setting people up on a plan that works for them with their fitness, nutrition and self-care from the inside out. This happens in a non-judgmental environment for others to shed old habits, create new healthy habits and feel more positive and confident about themselves. Jany has lost 35 pounds and 30 inches four years ago, and never found it again! At 67 she is happy to say she feels the best she's felt since her late 40s. Her motto is, Why NOT me, now? You are worth it! Working in different settings has worked well for her clients: One on one, On-line accountability groups, Local Exercise Classes @ The West Linn Adult Center, Tue & Thur 9a-930am. Call Janey Today to set up a Free Consultation!