The Grants Pass Gospel Rescue Mission is a unique homeless shelter in Grants Pass, Oregon, that focuses on helping individuals who are seeking meaningful change in their lives. Through their Pathway to Independence Program, they provide structure, accountability, and a path to success for those in need. As a Christ-centered community, they aim to give food, clothing, shelter, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those who are most in need. With a results-oriented approach, they have helped one in three residents leave the Mission with income and housing, helping them leave homelessness behind for good.
The Grants Pass Gospel Rescue Mission is privately funded, refusing government funds to stay committed to good results and outcomes rather than being coerced into forced political agendas. They believe that community is key and that no life works well apart from it. By serving others and building relationships, they create a supportive community where individuals can rebuild their lives and find independence. Through prayer, volunteering, donating items, and giving, individuals can support the Mission in their mission to transform lives and provide a welcoming and safe place for homeless women and children at the Fikso Family Center.
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