Corvallis Community Acupuncture is a gentle and affordable acupuncture clinic located in Corvallis, Oregon. They offer community acupuncture treatments in a peaceful group healing room, as well as private room acupuncture and facial rejuvenation acupuncture. With a focus on relaxation and healing, their treatments can help with a variety of conditions such as stress, anxiety, hormonal imbalances, chronic pain, and more. Led by licensed acupuncturist Leyna Jensen, their experienced team provides high-quality care in a welcoming environment.
With over 50,000 treatments given since 2010, Corvallis Community Acupuncture is dedicated to making acupuncture accessible to all. Their community space is designed to maximize relaxation, featuring comfortable chairs, weighted blankets, and quiet music. In addition to their affordable community acupuncture, they also offer private room acupuncture for a more personalized experience. Whether you're seeking relief from physical or emotional ailments, Corvallis Community Acupuncture provides a safe and effective approach to holistic healing.
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