Stillwater law firm with Stillwater attorneys
John (Butch) Koemel is an attorney practicing law in Payne County, Oklahoma with the law firm of Koemel Law, PLLC. Business offices are located in the City of Stillwater. His practice areas are divided between personal injury cases and business law. The law firm has Stillwater attorneys experience in litigation and providing quality legal service. Butch Koemel, local Stillwater accident attorney and experienced personal injury lawyer, accepts auto accident, car wreck, truck accident, motorcycle accident, injury accident, slip and fall, dog bite, and personal injury cases. Injury attorneys and accident lawyers offer consultations in car wrecks, truck wrecks, car crash and other injury accident and death accident cases in Stillwater, Oklahoma and surrounding cities of Perkins and Cushing. Butch Koemel also offers services in insurance disputes, trusts, estate, probate, real estate, contract and contract disputes, banking and employment law.