The first service was held in a storefront on Sunday, Sept. 9, 2001, with ten in attendance and was led by Pastor Rick Carter. After three years, the church had outgrown the storefront, and was actively seeking a new place to meet. The Lord provided land, right in the heart of the city of Mustang. Over the years, various ministries have been added to reach the community in and around Mustang. Several ministries have been started including Soul Winning Visitation, and the Bus Ministry We have two buses to pick up people for services. In August of 2014, Pastor Carter resigned and the church called Ben Shain to pastor on Sept. 24, 2014. His first service was celebrated on October 12, 2014. Today we continue to reach our community on all these levels. In everything, our emphasis is on fulfilling the great commission of leading souls to Christ, seeing them baptized and discipled.
Here at Lighthouse Baptist Church, we sing the great hymns of the faith and preach from God's Word at every service. A church is not a building, but a group of loving people, serving the Lord together, and trying to make a difference in their community. We are located just south of Highway 152 at the South Heights Drive intersection in Mustang, Oklahoma. At Lighthouse Baptist, we strive to lift up the Lord Jesus Christ and glorify God at every single service and in every single ministry of the church. Are you looking for a church home for you or your family where your spiritual needs can be met? Pastor Ben Shain and the members of Lighthouse Baptist Church are looking forward to your visit. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.