Flying Castle Composite Squadron, located in Oklahoma City, OK, is a part of the Civil Air Patrol (CAP), an organization that has been serving America's communities since 1941. With the world's largest fleet of light aircraft, CAP is able to respond to the needs of the nation and its neighbors both in the air and on the ground. CAP saves an average of 100 lives per year by locating downed aircraft, rescuing lost hikers, assisting missing boaters, and helping people trapped by rising water, among other emergency services.
In addition to their life-saving efforts, CAP also focuses on shaping futures through their aerospace education and youth development programs. These programs have the power to change the trajectory of people's lives, offering opportunities for personal growth and skill development. Whether you're interested in volunteering or becoming a cadet, CAP has something for everyone who wants to make a meaningful and rewarding contribution to their community.
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