Havana Cigar Outlet, located in Norwalk, Ohio, is a premier cigar store lounge offering a wide selection of fine, hand-rolled cigars and premium pipe tobacco. With a spacious lounge area and a 320 sq ft humidor, customers can relax and enjoy the laid-back atmosphere while indulging in the best tobacco from Nicaragua, Honduras, the Dominican Republic, and Connecticut Shade.
Owned and operated by Darrin Hildebrand, an Ohio native with a decade of experience in the industry, Havana Cigar Outlet also features Darrin's own line of fresh rolled cigars, known as Great Lakes Cigars. From growing the tobacco to the burn of a perfectly rolled cigar, Darrin's passion for every aspect of the industry shines through in the quality of his products. Whether you're a seasoned cigar aficionado or a curious beginner, Havana Cigar Outlet is the perfect destination to satisfy your cigar cravings.
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