Green Dragon Tai Chi is an Earth-friendly community of practitioners and teachers in Beachwood, OH, dedicated to self-improvement of the mental, physical, and spiritual aspects of being. They offer weekly group classes, private lessons, and corporate private group classes, teaching various styles of Tai Chi, including Yang Style Tai Chi, Chen Style Tai Chi, Tai Chi Sword, Tai Chi Fan, Tai Chi Long Weapons, and Taiji Ball. With a focus on relaxation, health, and exercise, Green Dragon Tai Chi provides a welcoming and knowledgeable environment for people of all ages and fitness levels to experience the benefits of Tai Chi almost immediately. Their experienced instructor, Chris Burnett, is known for his easy-going approach, sense of humor, and patience in teaching Tai Chi and Qigong. He emphasizes the application of Tai Chi movements as a martial art, while also incorporating the meditative and health aspects of the practice. Students have praised his level of knowledge, passion, and ability to teach to individual levels. Green Dragon Tai Chi is committed to helping individuals achieve balance, strength, and clarity through the practice of Tai Chi and Qigong.
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