TLC launched an effort to save this natural area from potential development in the late 1980s and purchased 136 acres from two landowners in 1987 that formed the core of the nature preserve.The preserve has since grown to more than 276 acres through additional acquisitions. TLC continues to work with willing landowners to enlarge the preserve.
Owned and managed by Triangle Land Conservancy, the 275-acre White Pines Nature Preserve in Chatham County is open to the public for free from dawn to dusk every day of the year. The first public preserve opened by TLC, this mountainlike sliver of the Piedmont provides a refuge for a curious collection of mountain, piedmont and coastal plain flora and fauna. Located on a promontory bounded by the Rocky and Deep rivers, the preserve is renowned for its isolated stand of white pines (Pinus strobus). As you hike these steep slopes and wander among the towering white pines and 200-year-old beech trees you may feel like you've been transported to the mountains. We hope you enjoy your visit to one of the Triangle region's natural wonders.