Got into the field after realizing that a massage career was a perfect fit. Got my feet wet in the trenches, and discovered how little I knew about helping painful and complex orthopedic conditions. Studied human movement through yoga, which I taught, and the Trager Approach, in which I became certified. Discovered that massage therapy rarely seemed to solve people's pain problems in any meaningful way. Looking for a solution, I dabbled in Orthopeadic massage and Structural Integration before discovering the holy grail in John Barnes' totally unique approach to Myofascial Release in 2003. More than a decade, hundreds of hours of training directly with John Barnes, PT, and 10,000+ practice hours later, I'm now the Triangle's leading expert in Myofascial Release and the smart choice for pain relief. Come see for yourself.
Triangle Body Therapy is THE place for Myofascial Release (MFR) in the Triangle. MFR feels great. Imagine your body's tightest places being gently stretched into new freedom that meets your mind with a blissful glow. It's not esoteric, woo-woo stuff, although there's no aversion to the esoteric here. But that's just what happens with MFR. And what gets you there that's unique to Myofascial Release is the elongation and rehydration of your body's stubborn, resilient, full body system of connective tissue, known more commonly as fascia. MFR affects deep, profound, long-lasting change in your fascia in a way no other approach can. If you consider for a moment that fascia has 10X the pain-sensitive nerve endings that your muscle tissue does, you quickly realize the significance of this, how it could affect your symptoms, and the relief that's in store when your fascia is released in this way. There's nothing like it. Myofascial Release is authentic pain relief at its finest. And being on the receiving end of the approach typically feels great! Intuitively you can just tell that you've been needing it exactly. More than 80, 3rd party generated reviewers lend their perspectives about what you can expect. Check them out on Triangle Body Therapy's online calendar accessed through the