This beloved shop is a collection of favorite things nestled in Downtown Brevard. Theophilus provides wardrobing for contemporary and missy sizes, home decor, and unique gifts. An environment where small town pace meets metropolitan taste...if you will. Step across the threshold and find yourself in a haven that is dedicated to helping you live life well. At Theophilus, we can help you determine what colors, brands, and styles fit you or your home best. We provide complimentary one-on-one fashion consultation, home decor advice and personal gift buying services. Need a confidence booster? You will find it here. No need to drag your friends along, you'll find honest, brand-savvy stylists who want you looking and feeling your best. But if you're in the mood for lots of opinions...girlfriend gatherings are alwaysencouraged as well.Call ahead if you want to reserve a trusted confidant. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram!