I have supported birthing families over the last 12 years. I became a midwife after three years of academic study with the National College of Midwifery alongside clinical apprenticeship. Throughout my career, I have found myself awed by the resiliency, grace, and wisdom of birthing families.
Motherhood is a gritty and life-changing path. It is the most beautiful and challenging work of a woman's life. I am here to tell you that you do not have to do it alone. Now, more than ever, we need our village of support. It is my greatest passion to be a lifeline to mamas who are in the thick of it. I have supported birthing families Here's a quick snapshot of who could benefit from working with me. - Mamas who are navigating challenges in their relationships. This includes your relationship to your partner, your work, your child, and most importantly yourself. - Mamas who are looking for a resource besides Google and their pediatrician for the millions of questions that continue to come up during motherhood. - Mamas who need nurturing around the intense transformation demanded by new motherhood. - Mamas who are struggling with feeding their babies. - Mamas who want to explore what nourishes them and create more balance in their lives. - Mamas who need more connection with other mothers on the same journey. I am dedicated to serving all women, birthing people, queer, trans, and non-gender conforming individuals.