The school's namesake, Frankie Lemmon, youngest son of Frank and Georgia Lemmon, was born with Down syndrome in the 1960's. When Frankie became of age to begin kindergarten, there was no school in the area that would accept children with special education needs. To fill this void, Frankie's father, minister of the Hudson Memorial Presbyterian Church, and the congregation united with the community to create the Hudson Memorial Kindergarten for Mentally Retarded Children. The school which began with three children in 1965 was re-named the Frankie Lemmon Memorial Preschool a few years later following Frankie's death. In 2015, Frankie Lemmon School got its own facility where in three years, 125 students will be able to benefit from Frankie Lemmon's life-changing education and services. The classroom ratios are smaller than in traditional preschool programs, allowing for every student to receive an education specific to their needs.
The Frankie Lemmon School is a 5-star inclusive pre-school program. Our mission is to help children of all abilities achieve their ful potential. Our inclusive classrooms offer a learning environment that provides rich language interactions and opportunities that will foster social skills within a diverse community. Our children participate in enrichment activities with a special focus on communication skills and intellectual grown, using a holistic approach for child development. Our school offers individualized education, Birth-Kindergarden licensed teachers, smartboards and iPads in every classroom, and enrichment activities such as Pet Therapy, Music Therapy, movement class, and language and communication group sessions.