Back in 1946, two brothers, Louis and John Watson, and their respective wives, Ellen and Mary, began making chocolates in the back room of their soda fountain and luncheonette on Delaware Avenue in Kenmore, NY. Using proven methods and recipes taken from their relatives, they quickly established a reputation for producing fine confections, albeit on a very limited scale. Whatever was produced was immediately sold in the front of their restaurant. Demand for their chocolates continued through the years, until Lou and Ellen's son Jim, who had joined the family business in 1971, decided to take the chocolate company separate in 1987. New retail and production facilities were added, and with the arrival of Jim's daughter, Whitney into the company in 1993, the Watson's Chocolates product line was greatly expanded, and five more stores were opened, bringing the total number of retail locations to eight.
Sponge Candy, Chocolate, Handmade confections, Fudge, Candy