Ultimate Headset Party was created by Unlimitability Life in 2017. Ultimate Headset Party live events and private event solutions are our principle creative and production activities serving the most economically developed, densely populated, culturally diverse, and lifestyle rich geographic footprint in the United States connecting to 56 million consumers across 9 states and Washington D.C. to music, entertainment, and each other.
Light up the night as Ultimate Headset Party presents a high-powered social experience guaranteed to be music to your ears. Three live DJ's battle for your attention and you are in complete control of your headset party experience. Utilize the command controls on your illuminated wireless headset rental to switch back and forth across the three live-action DJ's at Ultimate Headset Party live events. You can also change the color your HYPE headset rental illuminates in to green, red, or blue, turn the party on and off, change volume level, and more at the flip of a switch! Tune into