Silver Tandem Productions, based in Purchase, NY, is a renowned filmmaker and author specializing in adoption-related films and books. With a collection of award-winning documentaries and short films, including "A Simple Piece of Paper" and "Adopted for the Life of Me," Silver Tandem Productions offers a range of thought-provoking and insightful content that explores the complexities of adoption. Their works can be accessed online for free or purchased as DVDs, providing viewers with an opportunity to delve into the emotional and personal journeys of adoptees.
Additionally, Silver Tandem Productions offers Jean Strauss' memoir, "Beneath a Tall Tree," which provides a unique perspective on adoption. With a commitment to customer satisfaction, Silver Tandem Productions ensures a seamless ordering process and prompt customer service. Through their compelling films and books, Silver Tandem Productions aims to shed light on the experiences of adoptees and foster a greater understanding of the adoption process.
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