Same Ole Line Dudes was formed after its owner Robert Samuel posted a Craigslist ad offering to wait for an iPhone for anyone who didn't want to or couldn't. Although the person who responded, later changed their minds, he was paid anyway and encouraged to resell his highly coveted # 3 spot for the iPhone 5. 18 hours and $325 later, the phone was purchased. Since then, Robert and his team of waiters have waited in lines in any weather for Saturday Night Live standby tickets, concert venues, passports, sample sales, and of course Dominique Ansel's authentic Cronuts which can include delivery if desired.
An innovative new service that offers Linesitting line sitting and line management services for consumers and businesses in the New York metro area. Providing on demand and reservations for waiting in line for sample sales, concerts, bars, Hamilton, Dear Evan Hansen and all Broadway shows with rush and or cancellation lines. Linestanding ( line standing ) in NYC is our life. Skip the line and hire our #linedudes for your next wait! You'll be glad you did.