I Was A Child And I Would See Aura's And Colors Around People's Energy I Recall On This One incident I was Whit my Mom In A Super Market And I kept Telling my. Mom that They're Was this older lady And. I seen Dark Color's Reflecting Around her Energy As a Shadow. I Was tugging On my mom Saying She's. Troubled And My mom Was Shocked To Realized I Had the passing Gift From 5. Generations And From that day Forward She taught Me How to Use my Psychic Gift Since that day forward I reconciled with myself to help people who are feeling lost lonely scared and confused if you were looking for spiritual guidance healing someone who is passionate and taking out the time to explain to you calmly clearly and confidently what's happening in your life call today for your reading
Hi My Name is Pearl I've Been A Spiritualist & Tarot Card Reader Since Over A Decade My Satisfaction Rate is 100% it is My Calling Passion To help Those in Need To Help those Who Are Feeling Lost And Looking For. Guidance Weather it's a General Question or Total Outlook On Life Such As. Past Present Future. Love Reading's Past Life Progression Chakra Healing Cleansing & Aligning. Also Reuniting Love One's