The New Seminary & High School For Girls in Brooklyn, NY is a well-respected institution that offers a unique educational experience for goal-oriented Bais Yaakov girls. Founded by Rebbetzin Sora Bulka and Rabbi Yeshaya Levy, the seminary enables students to pursue their chosen profession while maintaining their values and religious beliefs. With a focus on personalized support and frum surroundings, the seminary partners with prestigious universities to provide a solid education and well-respected degrees, making their graduates top candidates for the positions they seek.
Through a combination of seminary classes, college classes taught on-site, and transfer credits, students can earn credits towards their degree while strengthening their hashkafos and exploring Torah topics on a sophisticated level. The New Seminary program offers an accelerated BSN program for nursing, ensuring a Jewish environment and taking care of all the necessary arrangements. With over 25 years of experience, The New Seminary is dedicated to helping students achieve their goals and succeed in their chosen careers.
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