Launched in 1983, ML Graphics is a one stop shop for all your marketing needs. We specialize in print design, website design, direct mail, digital printing and offset printing.
Creative Design, Quality Printing. Launched in 1983, ML Graphics is a one stop shop for all your marketing needs. We specialize in print design, website design, direct mail, digital printing and offset printing. ML Graphics is a Women Minority Business Enterprise (MWBE) company certified by New York State. We have received many awards such as U.S. Department of Commerce Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) Regional Director's Award. Our major products: Design and printing for restaurants' menu (dine-in and take-out), companies' brochure and flyer, poster and post card, business card and gift certificate. Design for digital menu and website. POS machine and card reader. Let our professional design and printing team lead you to the success.