In addition to counseling hundreds of families and individuals, Lauren Zavier has done numerous presentations on End-of Life issues at home care agencies, conferences including the Forum on End-of-Life Medical Choices for State Senator Liz Krueger. Lauren Zavier was featured in the Video & Teacher Resource Book: When Someone Dies: Bereavement and Loss and well as other publications.
Grieving over the death of a loved one is a natural part of life. Each of us experiences grief in our own unique way. There is no right or wrong way to grieve, no set time-frame. Aging or terminal illness can bring up questions and issues for which we had not prepared. Do you need help with caring for aging parents? There are very personal decisions to make that have no right answer, but you need to know the questions to ask! Explore the social and emotional issues you are facing in a safe and informative place. Lauren Zavier, LCSW specializes in grieving, loss, illness and palliative care counseling. Individual, Groups, Couples and Family appointments available.