When you need auto or home insurance to protect valuable possessions such as your car and house, you want to work with an insurance professional who will take the time to get to know you and understand your unique requirements. You also want to select a company you can trust to be there every step of the way if you ever have to make an insurance claim. As a trained, caring and licensed insurance agent, I am committed to providing you with the professional guidance and personalized service you deserve. You can count on me to help you select the best insurance coverage for your needs, and to be there in the years to come as those needs change. My office is located in in Plattsburgh, NY, but I am a licensed insurance agent in the states of New York, Florida, Vermont, Connecticut, Georgia and North Carolina. I am also able to provide services to the following areas: * Tampa, FL * Burlington, VT * Charlotte, NC To learn more about the products and services we provide or to mak
Auto Insurance, Home Insurance, Life Insurance, Boat Insurance, ATV Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance