The Green Island Power Authority in Green Island, NY is a local organization that provides a range of services to the community, including electric service, water and sewer services, and trash and recycling programs. They also have various departments such as the building department, fire department, and police department, ensuring the safety and well-being of the residents. With a rich history in industry, Green Island offers a unique blend of a close-knit community and economic growth opportunities.
As the smallest town in New York State, Green Island takes pride in its history and heritage, which includes being home to locomotive and railroad manufacturing plants, as well as a Ford Motor Company manufacturing plant. The village is led by Mayor Ellen M. McNulty-Ryan, who is dedicated to fostering a vibrant and prosperous future for Green Island. With its welcoming atmosphere and commitment to community, Green Island is a place where residents can find a home, a sense of belonging, and a promising future.
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