Four Foot Studios, located in the heart of Williamsburg, Brooklyn, is a hidden gem for artists seeking a unique and inspiring recording experience. Led by renowned record producer and audio engineer Gabriel Galvin, this whimsical carriage house is adorned with walls of classic and eclectic analog and digital outboard gear, a vast array of musical instruments, and captivating artwork. As a conduit for creativity, expression, and artistry, Four Foot Studios has nurtured countless projects, offering tailored packages to meet the diverse needs and budgets of each artist.
With a reputation for excellence, Four Foot Studios has recently released the highly acclaimed album "Ephemera" by Devon Church, a testament to the exceptional recording, mixing, and mastering skills of Gabriel Galvin. Whether you're looking to record, mix, produce, or master your next record, Four Foot Studios invites you to step inside and experience the unparalleled atmosphere that has fueled the success of numerous projects. Contact Gabriel Galvin to discuss your vision and embark on a transformative musical journey.
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